30 Apr A World-Famous Author is Buried a Short Walk From Knob Hill Inn

The Ernest Hemingway memorial at Trail Creek.
The sun also rises in Sun Valley.
Ernest Hemingway first started visiting Sun Valley in the 1930s. He lived in many places throughout his life, from Toronto, to Chicago, to Paris, to Key West. However, it was Ketchum, Idaho that would be featured in C the final chapter of his life’s story. From writing to fishing to wine, Hemingway had many interests, and all can be found in the Ketchum area.
Step outside your door and follow in his very talented and fascinating footsteps. The city of Ketchum is dotted with nods to the great American author, and if you’re lucky, you may be able to find a first edition Hemingway novel in town during your stay.
The Ernest Hemingway Festival
Every fall, the Ernest at Hemingway Festival comes to town, presented by The Community Library. Readers, writers, and scholars alike gather to celebrate and interpret the works of the brilliant but troubled author. Details and dates for the festival can be found here.
Michel’s Christiania
Few other restaurants in Ketchum are as steeped in history as the legendary Christiania. In operation since 1959, Hemingway dined here so frequently he had his own table. “The Christy,” as locals call it, offers an extensive wine list and delectable, French cuisine.
Iconoclast Bookstore
This bookstore in the heart of Ketchum has an entire section dedicated to Hemingway, his great works, and many of the books written about him.
For the true Hemingway fan, we recommend our Hemingway for a Day package.