02 Aug 5 Ernest Hemingway Quotes to Guide Your Sun Valley Vacation
Ernest Miller Hemingway: novelist, poet, journalist, adventurer, war veteran, Nobel Prize winner.
One of America’s most celebrated literary sons, and interred less than 90 seconds walk away from Knob Hill Inn.
Walk in Ernest Hemingway’s very talented and fascinating footsteps for a day in Ketchum with our Hemingway for a Day package.
Visit his grave, where you can leave a penny as tribute.
Dine at one of his favorite haunts, Michel’s Christiania, and enjoy delectable French cuisine.
Last, but certainly not least, use his wisdom to help you get the most out of your Sun Valley vacation.
Here are 5 Hemingway quotes to get you started on your way.
1) “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.”
Don’t get us wrong: solo vacations are great. Beholden to no one or nothing but your own free spirit, spend your days whatever it is your heart desires.
However, there’s something equally special about spending time off with those you love. For trips taken together, cooperation and togetherness are their own rewards.
And when you spend the day hiking in a place as gorgeous as Sun Valley, it always makes it that much sweeter to have some to savor the view with at the end of the day.
2) “Time is the least thing we have of.”
A roundabout way to say it, but true nonetheless.
As much we would care not to think of it, the fact remains: vacations don’t last forever.
Sooner than you might expect, it will be time to return to the real world and the daily grind. In light of that fact, there’s only one thing to do:
Live it up while vacation lasts! Add as much fun to your days as possible.
Note that doesn’t mean you have to be sprinting about from one activity to the other.
Whether it’s biking through Idaho back country or lounging by the pool, pack as much fun into the hours you have.

Leave a penny as tribute.
3) “You see, I am trying in all my stories to get the feeling of the actual life across – not to just depict life – or criticize it – but to actually make it alive.”
Simply substitute “travels” for “stories.”
In writing and in traveling, we are all trying to feel alive. Except with traveling, our audience is only ourselves and those we bring along with us (that is, if you exclude social media posts from the equation…).
Much how Hemingway wrote to make his thoughts and stories alive, we travel to make ourselves feel alive.
Thankfully, in a place like Sun Valley, feeling alive is quite the attainable objective.
4) It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.”
Remember that whole bit about not having much time, and spending the time you have to the fullest?
More carpe diem-style words of wisdom to live by. Except this time, it’s an encouragement to take pleasure in the journey to your destination.
The long car rides. Waiting in the airport terminal. Looking out the window on the train.
It’s all part of the journey. While those places may not be your ultimate destination, take what pleasure in them you can, and remind yourself of where they lead.
5) “My only regret in life is that I did not drink more wine.”
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.